
Councillor Irish hosted a Community Information Meeting on October 9, 2024. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here:

Passcode: C&5CArkY

The city is in receipt of applications from Malone Given Parsons Limited c/o 8180-8220 Bayview Limited Partnership to amend the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to permit redevelopment of the properties known municipally as 8190 and 8200 Bayview Avenue.

The applications facilitate the development of a 15-storey mixed use building consisting of 631 dwelling units, approximately 6,044m2 of commercial space, a drive-through facility, and four levels of underground parking. The proposed site statistics, site plan, ground level plan, elevations drawings, landscape plan, and renderings are below.

The applicant revised their proposal in June 2024. Councillor Irish met with them to review and discuss it. He then met with the executive of the Romfield Residents Association on June 24 and shared the details with them, including sending the file to the Association’s President. That file is included here for your reference.

8190-8200 Bayview Proposal Comparison