The City is now in receipt of applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning by-law submitted by Weston Consulting, on behalf of Primont Homes (Leslie/John) Inc., to permit the redevelopment of the subject lands at the N/E corner of John Street/Leslie Street in Thornhill into a mixed-use high rise development consisting of:
- The development of 593 residential apartment units shared between two residential towers ranging in height between 17 and 28 storeys
- a 2 storey podium facing Leslie Street and a 10 storey podium facing John Street;
- the total proposed Gross Floor Area for all uses is 50,413 m2 (542,636 ft2);
- the total proposed Gross Floor Area for retail, office and commercial uses is 1,284m2 (13,823 ft2);
- the proposed Site Density is 4.45 FSI;
- a total of 861 parking spaces (839 parking spaces underground, 22 spaces at grade) is proposed
The City’s file number for the subject proposal is PLAN 21 146653.
There will be opportunities for all Ward 1 residents to comment on what is being proposed at a future Statutory Public Meeting and a Community Information Meeting. Dates for both are still to be determined. Please see architectural drawings here:
A Statutory Public Meeting to consider the applicant’s proposal for the subject property will take place on:
Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Members of the Development Services Committee and the public have the option to attend either in-person in the Council Chambers at the Civic Centre or remotely via Zoom. All meetings are video and audio streamed on the City’s website at:
A copy of the Public Meeting Notice can be viewed here:
Public Meeting Notice – PLAN 21 146653
A copy of the Public Meeting Information Report can be viewed here: