By Aileen Zangouei-
September 20, 2021

 The message was loud and clear at the Sept. 17 gathering protesting the North Subway Yonge Subway Extension being tunnelled through the Royal Orchard neighbourhood: “Stay on Yonge.”

Just a few days before the federal election, residents gathered letting their candidates know what they expect of their future government, and that is to keep the subway on Yonge Street, which was the original proposal.

They gathered because they believe there is a better option for the subway, and that tunnelling through their neighbourhood should be the last choice.

Roz FitzPatrick of Thornhill was one of the organizers behind the drilling protest that took place in front of her residence of 23 years.

She said when her and her spouse first saw the house, they fell in love with the nice, quiet area near Yonge St.

“None of use would believe that today we would be facing having a subway being tunnelled under our homes,” FitzPatrick said. “It’s very alarming.”

Read complete story here: