By Heidi Riedner-
February 12, 2022

The region’s endorsement of the Yonge North Subway Extension derails democracy and ignores concerns about long-lasting damage to the Royal Orchard community, say Thornhill residents waging a campaign against the route that tunnels under their neighbourhood.

After more than six hours of discussion and deputations on Feb. 3, York Region Council voted 17-4 in favour Metrolinx’s of current plan and asked the provincial transit agency to consider an “enhanced” compensation package.

“The only thing that we didn’t come right out and say is that we agreed with the alignment, but I think Metrolinx all day has said this is the alignment going forward, so that’s where we’re at,” said Regional Chair Wayne Emmerson.

The decision was met with “disappointment and disgust” by the Steering Committee of the Campaign to Keep the Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE) on Yonge Street, which says elected officials cast aside the concerns of residents; consigning them to “collateral damage.”

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