City of Markham purchases Shouldice Hospital lands
By Irene Wong- September 12, 2022 The debatable massive development of Shouldice Hospital lands in Thornhill has taken a sudden turn. The City of Markham announced it has pursued and agreed to purchase 7750 Bayview Ave., also known as the Shouldice Property, in Thornhill. Markham will use the nine-hectare (22-acre) site for a variety of purposes, including: •
Markham Dog Association celebrates park opening
By Jennifer McLaughlin- September 5, 2022 Dog lovers celebrated connection and inclusivity at the Cornell Woodlot Park opening on Aug. 28. The park includes a brand new, fully accessible playground, a shade structure, walking paths, and an off-leash dog area. For the Markham Dog Association, the new off-leash park is a step in the right direction. “The reality
Thornhill residents hold Metrolinx accountable
By Heidi Riedner- July 10, 2022 More than 50 residents took the opportunity to express their concerns to Metrolinx officials and politicians about the Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE) during a second community walk tracing the subway route through Thornhill on Saturday, July 9. While they still have hopes the subway will not travel under their homes, parkland
Hazelview proposal for Thornhill Square sparks renewed calls for moratorium on development
By Heidi Riedner- April 10, 2022 The latest high-rise project proposed for Thornhill has some local residents renewing calls for a moratorium on any further developments until an updated secondary plan for the area is in place. Hazelview Development Inc. has proposed a redevelopment of the Thornhill Square Shopping Centre site at Bayview Avenue and John Street that
Markham joins growing movement to turf Ontario Land Tribunal
By Heidi Riedner- March 7, 2022 Markham has joined the growing movement among municipalities to turf the Ontario Land Tribunal. Markham Coun. Karen Rea — who tabled the motion in support of Aurora’s proposal to abolish the provincial adjudicator that addresses appeals to land-use planning decisions last month — said the time has come to turf the outdated,
Region’s backing of YNSE sells out residents critics charge
By Heidi Riedner- February 12, 2022 The region’s endorsement of the Yonge North Subway Extension derails democracy and ignores concerns about long-lasting damage to the Royal Orchard community, say Thornhill residents waging a campaign against the route that tunnels under their neighbourhood. After more than six hours of discussion and deputations on Feb. 3, York Region Council voted