
Metrolinx Public Meeting

Please join Metrolinx for the first virtual open house for the Royal Orchard community so that you can hear from project experts, ask questions, and share feedback as planning work continues. Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Time: 6:30 p. m. – 8: 00 p. m. Registration: Please visit YongeSubwayExtensionLive *Alternatively, you can email YongeSubwayExt@ metrolinx. com or

March 28th, 2021|

Tunnel vision over Yonge subway extension threatens Markham neighbourhoods, critics charge

By Heidi Riedner- Markham Economist & Sun March 24, 2021 Expropriated homes and tunnelling under neighbourhoods are among concerns being raised about revised plans for the Yonge North Subway Extension released by Metrolinx March 18. The initial business case reins in the estimated $9.6-billion price tag by cutting the number of stations to four from six and having the route

March 24th, 2021|

Ontario looks to cut costs on Yonge North subway extension

By Ben Spurr- Toronto Star March 18, 2021 The Ontario government is seeking to contain the cost of the Yonge North subway extension by eliminating some proposed stations and building a portion of it above ground. The extension of the TTC’s Line 1 from Finch Station to Richmond Hill Centre is one of the Ontario PC government’s priority transit projects and

March 18th, 2021|

Ontario scales back on proposed Yonge subway extension

By Oliver Moore - The Globe and Mail March 18, 2021 Ontario is scaling back its plan for an extension of Toronto’s subway system into Richmond Hill, reducing the number of stations and putting less of it underground in a bid to rein in soaring cost projections, according to a pair of transit planning reports obtained by The Globe and

March 18th, 2021|

Route announced for Yonge subway extension to Richmond Hill features fewer stations, above-ground section

By Heidi Riedner- Markham Economist & Sun March 18, 2021 The latest developments on the $5.6-billion Yonge North Subway Extension don’t exactly line up with the overall vision put forward by York Region officials and may garner pushback from some Thornhill residents. In an effort to contain costs of the subway, the Ontario government is eliminating some proposed stations and

March 18th, 2021|

Yonge Subway Extension Alignment Concerns

On March 17, 2021, I received a confidential briefing by Metrolinx on their initial business case for the Yonge North Subway Extension. Most notable among the items presented was the proposed alignment of the subway as it travels north of Centre Street/Thornhill Summit Drive in Thornhill. Metrolinx is proposing that the subway swing east close to Royal Orchard Blvd.

March 12th, 2021|
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