Metrolinx Construction Notice June 14, 2024

Topic: Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment

Schedule: July 8, 2024 to July 12, 2024
Timing: Monday to Saturday 8:00AM to 6:00PM

What is happening?

Contractors working on behalf of Metrolinx will be conducting an archaeological field assessment at 1 Royal Orchard Blvd. located at Yonge Street and Royal Orchard Boulevard. This work is required as part of the due diligence required on the YNSE project and will further supplement Metrolinx’ findings in the 2022 Environmental Project Report Addendum. The Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment involves digging holes by hand in order to locate and identify any potential archaeological resources that may be on the property.

Please see construction notice here: 2024-06-14 RO Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment – Final

Read more about the YNSE here: