When a Clown Gets Too Close

Today marks the third anniversary of the insurrection at the US Capitol Building as well as news that the US Supreme Court will decide whether former president Donald Trump’s name can appear on primary election ballots this year. During the 1960 United States presidential election the Democratic Party candidate John F. Kennedy’s regular campaign

Whose government is it?

Today is “English Language Day at the United Nations.”   It is celebrated on April 23, the date traditionally observed as both the birthday and date of death of William Shakespeare. As a writer, observing the occasional improper use of words – in all their forms – can rankle.  I suppose that is true of most professions. 

Going to the dogs…

First, a confession. I have been a dog owner for 30-plus years. I love dogs. I know too not everyone feels the same. I have a friend that had a traumatic childhood encounter with a dog and remains fearful and another who is allergic. Many people quickly cross the street when they see a

Slow Down Sign Request

Coming Spring 2022: “Slow Down” Lawn Signs I continue to receive complaints of speeding in our neighbourhoods.  Many of the complaints are from residents living on streets where there is no through traffic.  Unbelievably, it is our friends and neighbours and even school bus drivers eager to get to where they are going that are being

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