Coyotes in Thornhill

There is no denying the majority of people, not all mind you, would prefer there were no coyotes in our community. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry delegates the authority to municipalities for oversight of wildlife, however the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act outlines what actions the city can take. Municipalities have the authority

When a Clown Gets Too Close

Today marks the third anniversary of the insurrection at the US Capitol Building as well as news that the US Supreme Court will decide whether former president Donald Trump’s name can appear on primary election ballots this year. During the 1960 United States presidential election the Democratic Party candidate John F. Kennedy’s regular campaign

Demolition Mostly by Neglect

The City of Markham takes preservation of its built form heritage seriously.  So seriously that the city’s motto on its Arms of Corporation is: “Leading While Remembering”.  I see it every time I exit the elevator to my Civic Centre office. I am not one that needs reminding. I have lived in Markham’s Thornhill Heritage

Rooming Houses, Multi-Occupant Dwellings, Short-term Rentals

I have written about this topic in both my Spring/Summer 2020 and Fall 2020/Winter 2021 newsletters. Those articles can be viewed from the News tab on this website. The renting of homes or rooms is one way to help address the availability and affordability of housing in our city while also serving as a

Thornlea Pool: What is old will soon be new again

If you’ve ever embarked upon a home renovation project, then you will undoubtedly know that things do not always go according to plan.  Those that have can easily identify with the sentiment:  hope for the best, but plan for the worst. In March 2021, Markham Council approved a $2.3M capital project to replace Thornlea Pool’s

Whose government is it?

Today is “English Language Day at the United Nations.”   It is celebrated on April 23, the date traditionally observed as both the birthday and date of death of William Shakespeare. As a writer, observing the occasional improper use of words – in all their forms – can rankle.  I suppose that is true of most professions. 

Big Men feared Thornhill’s George McCullagh

In the mid-1930s George McCullagh purchased 200-acres of land in what is now the Bayview/John area of Thornhill.  Construction of his iconic home at 7750 Bayview Avenue began soon after.  It eventually cost $500K to construct, equivalent to $11M today. McCullagh was a wealthy Toronto financier.  Between 1936 and his death* on his Thornhill estate

Going to the dogs…

First, a confession. I have been a dog owner for 30-plus years. I love dogs. I know too not everyone feels the same. I have a friend that had a traumatic childhood encounter with a dog and remains fearful and another who is allergic. Many people quickly cross the street when they see a

The Domino Effect…Toronto Style

The ignoble circumstances of Toronto Mayor John Tory’s sudden exit aside, the chain reaction it caused was predictable. The speed was not. One candidate declared his mayoral candidacy a mere 16 hours after Tory announced he was stepping away. Several others quickly followed suit issuing nominative “strong maybe” statements and playing coy. It reminds

Reflections on a Hurricane

Much has been written lately and more is most certainly to come on the passing and legacy of the indomitable Hazel McCallion, Mississauga’s firebrand mayor for 36 years until her 2014 retirement. I first met Hazel by chance over 20 years ago while sight-seeing in Ottawa one summer. We had a window seat in

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