About Lauren Patton

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So far Lauren Patton has created 106 blog entries.

Keith speaks at subway rally at Queens Park

October 6, 2021 — Residents of Thornhill organized a rally at Queens Park to send a clear message to Premier Ford and his cabinet that they are opposed to the proposed Yonge North Subway Extension alignment. Keith had the opportunity to speak at the rally and provided a statement from Thornhill Member of Parliament

5-tower development of Shouldice Hospital lands up for scrutiny

By Heidi Riedner- Markham Economist & Sun September 4, 2021 Area residents will have an opportunity to ask questions and find out more details regarding a massive development planned for the Shouldice Hospital lands located at 7750 Bayview Ave. in Thornhill. With the hospital continuing to operate under a leased arrangement for 16 more years, the development

John St. Cast Iron Watermain Rehabilitation Notice of Construction

Please be advised the City will be undertaking watermain rehabilitation on the following streets in 2021 and 2022: John St- West of CNR Crossing to Leslie/Don Mills 14th Ave- West of Woodbine Ave Lyndhurst Dr- East of Cummings Ct Esna Park Dr- Woodbine Ave to Rodick Rd Construction is scheduled to begin the week

Have your say!

Councillor Keith Irish and the City of Markham Parks and Open Space Development Team invite you to join the Yonge and Grandview Park virtual Public Open House on Monday, June 21, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. City staff will highlight the conceptual plan, proposed amenities and associated landscape works planned for the park.

We want to hear from you!

Councillor Keith Irish and the City of Markham Parks and Open Space Development Team invite you to join the Green Lane Park virtual Public Open House on Monday, June 14, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. City staff will highlight the conceptual plan, proposed amenities and associated landscape works planned for the park. Please

Anger growing atop planned Yonge North subway extension

By Matthew Bingley- Global News May 11, 2021 Residents in Thornhill are growing angrier over a recent decision to build a new subway extension under their neighbourhood, and are planning a weekend protest with the hopes of encouraging the Ontario government to change the route. The Royal Orchard neighbourhood sits about a kilometre south of Highway 407,

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