About Keith Irish

I have been proud to call our community home for over 35 years. It is the place I wanted to live after graduating from university. It’s here that I raised my twin sons, operated a business, and volunteered. For me, my community service as a volunteer, a Public School Trustee and now as the Ward 1 Councillor has always been based on a simple notion: great communities do not occur by accident, they require effort on the part of all of us to make them that way.

Slow Down Sign Request

Coming Spring 2022: “Slow Down” Lawn Signs I continue to receive complaints of speeding in our neighbourhoods.  Many of the complaints are from residents living on streets where there is no through traffic.  Unbelievably, it is our friends and neighbours and even school bus drivers eager to get to where they are going that are being

Metrolinx Public Meeting

Please join Metrolinx for the first virtual open house for the Royal Orchard community so that you can hear from project experts, ask questions, and share feedback as planning work continues. Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Time: 6:30 p. m. – 8: 00 p. m. Registration: Please visit MetrolinxEngage.com/ YongeSubwayExtensionLive *Alternatively, you can

Royal Orchard and Yonge

Update: A Statutory Public Meeting was held on July 5, 2022 Councillor Irish hosted a Community Information Meeting on September 16, 2024. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/ngd5bjsRRWDMgPOUbeAVPYdcxvNPAzmPQ4kPzdgekqPQO0r4EgRQA6NyoEsn5z7_.MyG_jw6RMjdP37QT Passcode: xkThK0N+ A report from the city’s Planning staff regarding Greenpark’s Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for 8051 Yonge

Langstaff Gateway

In 2018, Zoning By-law Amendment and draft plan of subdivision applications were received from Condor Properties Ltd. to build the first development block (Phase 1A) within the west Precinct area of the Langstaff Gateway community. The latter is the 47-hectare (116 acre) area of land bounded by Yonge in the west, Bayview in the

New Development Proposed – Zonix – 36 Steeles Avenue East

Applications for an Official Plan amendment (Major) and Zoning By-law amendment (Major) have been received by MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Ltd. c/o David McKay for 36-60 Steeles Avenue East; 37-63 Highland Park Boulevard. The applications are intended to facilitate the development of two 13-storey mixed-use buildings and two 8-storey residential buildings.

New Development Proposed – Langstaff Gateway

In 2018, Zoning By-law Amendment and draft plan of subdivision applications were received from Condor Properties Ltd. to build the first development block (Phase 1A) within the west Precinct area of the Langstaff Gateway community. The latter is the 47-hectare (116 acre) area of land bounded by Yonge in the west, Bayview in the east,

New Development Proposed – 349-351 John St.

The City of Markham is in receipt of a complete Zoning By-law Amendment application, submitted by 349-351 John Street Inc., to permit motor vehicle sales, a restaurant, and a recreational establishment (bowling alley) on the subject lands. The applicant is proposing to amend the Zoning By-law to add motor vehicle sales with limited accessory outdoor

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