The city is now in receipt of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications, submitted by the Goldberg Group on behalf of Timbercreek Quadrant Four GP INC. (“Timbercreek”) for the 3.13 hectares (7.75 acres) of what is currently the Thornhill Square Shopping Centre at 288, 290, 292, 294, 296, 298 and 300 John Street. The application proposes:
- The development of 615 residential (non-rental and market-based rental) units shared between 4 buildings (4 towers) ranging between 7 and 19 storeys
- Proposed Site Density is 2.04 FSI
- Total Gross Floor Area for Residential uses is 55, 045 m2 (592,499 ft2), and
- Total Proposed Gross Floor Area for Retail, Office and Commercial uses is 14,348 m2 (154,440 ft2)
- A total of 1,160 parking spaces, 678 residential spaces and 482 spaces for retail and visitors and 1,072 spaces are proposed to be located within three levels of underground parking and 88 spaces are proposed at-grade
- A 0.69 ha. (1.7 ac.) public park fronting on John Street is proposed
- The existing heritage building (Santorini’s) will remain
We are at the very beginning of a lengthy planning process and far from making a decision on these applications by Timbercreek. There will be opportunities for all Ward 1 residents to comment on what is being proposed at a future Statutory Public Meeting and a Community Information Meeting. Dates for both are still to be determined.
- Memorandum 288, 298 and 300 John St.
- Preliminary Report (Timbercreek Four Quadrant GP2 Inc.) 288, 298 and 300 John St.
- 300 John St. Location Map
- 300 John St. Area Context and Zoning fig. 2
- 300 John St. Aerial Photo fig. 3
- 300 John St. Site Plan fig. 4
- 300 John St. Architectural Drawings Massing View — Buildings A and B fig. 5
- 300 John St. Architectural Drawings Massing View — Building C fig. 6
- 300 John St. Architectural Drawings Massing View — Building D fig. 7
- 300 John St. Architectural Drawings Massing View — Building E fig. 8