Controversial minister’s zoning orders (MZOs) continue to pile up for a proposed massive housing development on the border between Markham and Stouffville, much to the dismay and outrage of concerned residents.

Since 2018, the province has issued more than 35 orders, which give the minister of municipal affairs and housing, Steve Clark, extraordinary powers to designate land use, overriding local planning processes without the possibility of appeal, in order to fast-track developments that promote economic recovery and affordable housing.

Many residents, however, view them as undemocratic, bypassing the rigours of land use planning, public engagement and environmental assessments.

Flato Developments Inc. already has three MZOs in its pocket for properties straddling Markham and Stouffville north of 19th Avenue bordered by McCowan Road and Hwy. 48 for a massive 2,000-plus home development on agricultural lands outside current urban boundaries.

This month, Markham council endorsed a fourth MZO request from Flato, despite over 70 letters and 30 deputations of opposition from the public.

If granted by the province, 661 residential units will be built on roughly 70 acres of a 110-acre property fronting 19th Avenue just east of McCowan.

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